
Gottlund’s cabin and poem meadow

从 2 €

Lönnrot’s contemporary, C.A. Gottlund, was a collector of oral poetry and folklore. His cabin in Juva has been turned into a museum.

The cabin, built in the early 19th century, is the only building left of Juva’s old parsonage buildings. Carl Axel Gottlund (1796–1875) used to listen to the songs of Juva people with fascination. He gathered a considerable amount of oral poetry and other folklore from Juva during the years 1815–1816.

The environment of Gottlund’s cabin can be explored around the year. The cabin itself is open for visitations for two weeks in June-July, when different cultural events such as poetry readings and singalongs are also organized.

合适的体验 在 June, July, August

Juvan kunta

Lukkarintie 1, 51900 Juva