
RantaCasino Restaurant & Bar, Heinola

A good Tuula's food and snack restaurant in the harbor of Heinola.

Our 200+ seat restaurant with a big sunny terrace at the river bank attracts visitors to experience great food and refreshing drinks in unforgettable scenery.

We serve great modern European food + festive dinner menus. Extensive lunch offers also available, which makes us the ideal stop for bus groups etc. Children have of course their own menu and we also have our own ice cream kiosk, which will make every kid and adult happy as well.

Our bar has a good quality selection of beers and ciders.

So come in for a wonderful dinner or just drop in for a coffee and cake or a nice refreshing pint of beer as you sit in the sun and take in the sights.

合适的体验 在 May, June, July, August


Maaherrankatu 2A, 18100 Heinola