
The Border Museum


The Border Guard Museum is a national museum that presents the history of the Finnish Border Guard. The museum focuses on operations by land and air. It documents and presents the history of land border surveillance by the

Border Guard, the history of air and rescue operations and the history of border troops during the wars. The exhibition premises of the Border Guard Museum are located next to Finland’s eastern border at the Immola barracks in Imatra.

The Border Guard Museum began operating in 1989 as an internal teaching museum of the Border Guard, but the attractiveness of the museum was soon seen to be so great that it was worth opening its doors to the general public. The exhibition of the Border Guard Museum has been open in summer and by appointment at other times.

Securing Finland's borders has remained the core task of the Border Guard since its beginning, but its operations have changed and developed considerably in the course of history. The Border Guard Museum provides a versatile overview of the different historical stages and duties of the organisation over a period of more than 100 years.




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Niskapietiläntie 32 D, 55910 Imatra