
Ruotusotamiehen torppa old farmhouse

フリー 自由

How life used to be - that's what the Ruotusotamiehen Torppa in Kuosmala's Siikakoski tells us.

Fredrik August Malmberg, who was wounded in the Crimean War (1853-1856), moved to the farmhouse on 15 March 1860 and since then it has been called the Ruotusotamiehen torppa (Swedish Soldier's Farmhouse), where he healed his wounds from the war. However, his war wounds never healed and so he received a pension from the state for the rest of his life. The Malmbergs owned the farm until the 1960s, when it was bought by the Enonkoski family. The last inhabitant of the farm, Heikki Rimppi, lived there until 1983.

適切な体験 で April, May, June, July, August, September, October

Juvan kunta

Kinko-Ojantie 53, 51780 Juva