Gottlund’s trail introduces the cultural and historical sights and natural attractions around Juva. The tour got its name from Carl Axel Gottlund (1796-1875), who used to collect folklore and oral poetry around Juva.
The Gottlund Trail ends and starts from Partala King’s Manor, and the whole length of the trail is approximately 9 kilometers. The route has been marked with a clover symbol similar to the one in the Juva coat of arms, and it has 27 stops. The stops have signs which tell about the sight in question.
1. Partala King’s Manor
2. Archaeophytes
3. Huttula Parsonage
4. Stone fence foundation and former field
5. Salajärvi Lake
6. Formation of the shoreline
7. Old camping ground
8. Deadwood
9. Swamp shrubs
10. Roche moutonnée, smooth rocks shaped by glacial erosion
11. Burrs in the trees
12. The age of a pine tree
13. Signs of a forest fire
14. Draining of swamps
15. Stedingk rampart
16. Old bridle path along the ridge
17. Prehistoric dwelling site
18. Jukajärvi Lake islands, Ukonsaari
19. Drumlins
20. A grove-like valley
21. Pappilan Ylämäki nature reserve
22. Pappilanjoki River Nature Reserve
23. Gottlund’s cottage
24. Jukajärvi Lake and the shoreline
25. The old cemetery
26. Granary and windmill
27. Juva Truffle Centre and truffle orchards