The track leading to the peak of Ämmänvaara hill and the camping spot on its southern slope offers breathtaking views over the lake Kemijärvi.
This trail starts from road Rakkalahdentie in Ämmänniemi. which you can access from the road Perä-Posiontie by taking the Ämmäläntie and following the brown route marks 'Ämmänvaaran luontopolku'. There is a small parking area on the starting place.
The path is marked and easy to follow. After one kilometer hike you will reach the path crossroad. There are the signs guiding you up to the view point or down the slope to the picnic place.
It is recommable to hike first uphill and admire the stunning views and then come back and continue to picnic place. The return is to hike the same path to the car parking.