
Puttiparkki -Disc Golf

フリー 自由

Putting -frisbee golf is a fun outdoor activity that doesn't require much physical fitness, but it does require a good eye for games! Putting park Puttiparkki is located next to the Huittinen ice rink and frisbee golf course.

The putting park has two baskets, each surrounded by nine throwing areas with variations in distance and terrain. There is also a throwing line with markings for distances of 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 metres. On the information board you will find the rules for three putting games: the Jyly, the round-the-clock game and the Pispala putting game.

On the city's website you will find a scorecard and rules for the Pispala putter game to print out. The rules of the games are only available in Finnish. Puttiparkki is free and open 24/7.

適切な体験 で March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October

Huittisten kaupunki

Opintie 6, 32700 Huittinen