Living ironworks heritage in beautiful natural settings
Teijo’s attractions include peaceful lakes and forests, as well as historic ironworks villages where traditional crafts still thrive. From these picturesque settlements you can head straight out to explore the lakes, seashores, marshes and forests of the national park - and go hiking, canoeing or fishing. You can get a good taste of Teijo on a day trip, but it’s also well worth staying over - out in the wilds under a starry sky, or in cosy lodgnings in a charming village.
In nature conservation areas, everyman's rights do not apply in the normal way. Please always check the rules of the destination before making your trip. National parks are nature reserves, whose key task is to safeguard biodiversity and enable people to enjoy and relax in nature on the terms of nature conservation.
All national parks in Finland are managed by Metsähallitus.