
Investigating the biodiversity of the forest

Da 3000 € is a Finnish expert service that offers expertise related to nature, biodiversity, and its significance in around Finland

Would you like to experience the perfect silence of wilderness, the mystical atmosphere of its marshes, and marvel at the amazing brightness of summer at the same time? The harsh yet delicate nature of the north is particularly vulnerable as the climate warms. Changes and their rapid pace could prove fatal to plants, insects, birds, and mammals that have adapted to these unique living conditions over thousands of years. However, it's not too late. Change can be slowed down, giving nature more time to adapt.

Topics covered on the excursion: Forest visits guided by our expert MMM (forester) Mikko Haveri serves as the expert.

Dov'è la Finlandia ?



Esperienza adeguata in July, August


Tuohitie 31, 28600 Pori
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