
Kayak Day Tour to Pukala Lake

Da 60 €
Durata 5 ore

Day tour to Pukala lake. Pukala lake is located approximately 40 km from Tampere. During the 7 hours tour we will kayak roughly 20 km and have a lunch break at Roninmaan laavu / shelter, where we have a possibility to cook sausages on open fire.

We will start the tour from our kayak base at Hatanpäänkatu 6 at 10 AM and will get back roughly at 5 PM. The price includes kayak, lifevest, paddle, spraydeck and kayak guide.

This tour is rated as easy.

Dov'è la Finlandia ?
Esperienza adeguata in June, July, August

Tres Hombres Adventure Oy

Hatanpäänkatu 6, 33100 Tampere
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