
Historical Kosola Tavern in Lapua

The historical tavern at the Kosola House, which stands as a landmark in Lapua, is open again after a hundred-year break. The extensive restoration of the house is now ready as far as the first floor is concerned, and it now houses a lunch-café and an open-to-order restaurant. It´s dishes are mainly made from organic and local ingredients.

The restoration that was started in the spring of 2020 will continue in other parts of the house for the time being. The house also serves facilities for family parties, business events, and the events arranged in the house. The history of the house is exceptionally fascinating and diverse. Storytellers Heli Karhumäki and Taina Hautamäki will give made-to-order guided history tours.

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Kosolan Talo

Kosolankatu 1, 62100 Lapua
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