
Oranki Art Environmental Art Exhibition

Oranki Art is a very special environmental art exhibition located in the Lapland woods 25 km north of Pello. Come and expand your understanding of art in the middle of a beautiful forest landscape!

Oranki Art is a vast exhibition area on a wooden ridge. Around 150 artists from more than 40 countries have left their mark in the forest over the past two decades. Some of the art pieces have already melted back to nature, opening up space for new art.

Artists around the world create works of art for the exhibition early summer every year. The exhibition is open for visitors over the summer season.

There is no entrance fee nor staff or opening hours - feel free to explore the area and take in the atmosphere by yourself. Grab a map at the parking.

Où en Finlande?
Expérience appropriée Dans June, July, August, September

Original Lapland

Orankitie 67, 95710 Pello
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