
Patvinsuo National Park


Explore open bogs and sandy shores in bear country

Scanning the open marshes of Patvinsuo you might be lucky enough to see a distant bear, though bears typically do their best to avoid people. From viewing towers you can overlook the changing marshland scene on misty autumn mornings, light summer nights, or in the springtime when birds flock to the bogs to feed and breed. After a nice walk take a cooling dip by a sandy shore or the lakeside sauna at Suomunjärvi.

In nature conservation areas, everyman's rights do not apply in the normal way. Please always check the rules of the destination before making your trip. National parks are nature reserves, whose key task is to safeguard biodiversity and enable people to enjoy and relax in nature on the terms of nature conservation.

All national parks in Finland are managed by Metsähallitus.

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Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut

Suomuntie 56, 81650 Lieksa
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