
Himmaan Huippu Observation Tower


”Take a moment to relax on Himman Huippu” 

Himmaan Huippu is a 22-metre observation tower in the Jyväskylä Region in Keuruu, in the village of Riiho. The tower opens to beautiful landscape of forest and lakes that changes according to the seasons. In addition to the observation tower, there is also an outdoor fireplace with firewood, and a rental hut with room for up to 60 persons. There is a nature trail with fun activities as well as walks of different lengths in the summer. In the summertime, you can enjoy not only the scenery but also the baked delicacies at Café Torni. In winter, the main attraction are the ski tracks ranging from 1.5 to 16 km in length, as well as the ski track café in the weekends. There are various events organised at the tower, for more information, see Riihon kylä on Facebook. 

You can reach Himmaan Huippu by car and it is also suitable for people with physical disabilities. The tower area is built and operated by the Riiho Village Association.  

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Visit Jyväskylä Region

Matkalantie 159, 42820 Keuruu
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