At Bjärgas, you can rent facilities for education and parties.
Hembygdsgården’s meeting room - Suitable for smaller groups of up to 20-25 people. Next to the meeting area, there is a small kitchen where coffee can be prepared.
Half day (5h) - 50€ (after 10 PM, an additional 20 €/hour)
Full day - 80 €
Sandras -
Sandras’ party and education room can accommodate up to 75 people. The venue has a modern kitchen with an industrial dishwasher. The hall is equipped with contemporary AV aids.
Sandras, half day (5h) - 100 €
Sandras, full day - 200 €
Sandras, two days - 250 €
Sandras, three days - 300 €
Book the space by calling: 044 7149462