
Relaxing Neurosonic Moment at Tirsanurkka

Desde 19 €

Tirsanurkka is a relaxing place, inside of the organic hairsalon Ekokampaamo-parturi Hiusmeri premises. Finnish name Tirsanurkka stands for a kind of a snooze nook, a place where you can recover and maby take a nap. Physically it is a space, where you can sit back in the Neurosonic- treatment chair, relax and enjoy take the very low frequency vibrations treatment in a soothing environment.

Book your time from Hiusmeri's online appointment calendar TIRSANURKKA/Neurosonic hoitotuoli www.hiusmeri.com/ajanvaraus/

The lady at the front desk, Päivi Takkunen, is happy to help you to select the right program when you come to the Tirsanurkka.

Päivi is a fluent speaker of so called "Rally English", and the owner of not just the establishment but also a big heart and she wants you to fully enjoy your experience with Neurosonic treatment. Come as you are. A smile and an open mind goes a long way.

Read more about Neurosonic https://neurosonictech.com/pages/how-does-neurosonic-work

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Tirsanurkka - Hiusmeren rentoutuspalvelu

Antinkankaantie 28, 92130 Raahe
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