
Wanha Witonen canoeing route


The Wanha Witonen canoeing route, 75 kilometres in length, starts in Petäjävesi and ends in Lake Päijänne. The starting point is the Kirveslahti marina, and as soon as you embark, you encounter an UNESCO World Heritage site in Petäjävesi Old Church.

You can use Wanha Witonen for a day trip as well, with plenty of shorter stretches to choose from. The various lake, river, and rapids sections illustrate the diversity of the route. The route is suitable for canoers, kayakers, and rowers of all ages and levels of physical fitness. Along the route, you can find dedicated, pre-equipped beaching spots marked with a yellow triangle. The first spot for a break is five kilometre away from Kirveslahti marina on Pirkonsaari island. You can find a wealth of accommodation and sights along the way. A waterproof map, with the whole route explained, can be ordered through the tourist information office.

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Experiencia adecuada en May, June, July, August, September

Visit Jyväskylä Region

Miilutie 2, 41900 Petäjävesi
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