
Heideken home concerts

From 18 €

This concert features world-class folk music at the historical Heideken House, with Sari Kaasinen singing and playing the kantele, performing beloved lullabies and more recent sleepy-time songs. She also talks about the Finnish lullaby tradition.

Sari’s life’s work is Värttinä, Finland’s most successful folk music ensemble of all time, which celebrated their 40th anniversary in 2023. The band has gold and platinum discs, an Emma Award, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and also appear at the Finnish Music Hall of Fame. Today, Sari is pursuing a solo career and is also one of the three members of Set’Akat with Mari Kaasinen and Karoliina Kantelinen, who are likewise alumni of Värttinä.

Sari completed a doctorate on the lullaby tradition at the Department of Folk Music at the Sibelius Academy. In researching lullabies, she found how incredibly easily words and music came forth. “The more you can empty your mind, the more effortlessly you can create a song, living in the moment.”

Audience members may also join a tour of the building led by Janina Andersson, Executive Direction of the Mannerheim League for Child Protection.

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Suitable experience all year


Turun Musiikkijuhlat

Sepänkatu 3, 20700 Turku
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