
Alvar Aalto sites in Kouvola

Alvar Aalto’s most prominent works in Kouvola are located in Inkeroinen, in the Ankkapurha Culture Park. The buildings designed by Aalto in Tehtaanmäki, Inkeroinen date back to between 1937 and 1956. They include the industrial buildings of the Anjala Paper Mill and the Tampella Co. Housing Area with its Rantalinja semi-detached houses, Tervalinja terraced houses, three engineers’ houses and mill workers’ residences.

The area is complemented by the Tehtaanmäki Primary School, finished in 1940, and the Karhunkangas housing estate, where most of the residential buildings were completed in 1938. The Tehtaanmäki Primary School is the only primary school designed by Alvar Aalto that that is still in use today.

When you are in Kouvola make sure you check out the Kasarminmäki gateposts, which the young architect designed for the garrison area when he was doing his military service.

Kouvola is part of official network of Alvar Aalto cities.

Where in Finland ?
Suitable experience in April, May, June, July, August, September, October


Mäntyrinne 1, 46900 Kouvola
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