Of all the things you can do when being outside, birdwatching has to be one of the most relaxing and entertaining, for the spectacle of birds going about their business is truly fascinating. The diversity of sizes and shapes, colours and behaviours is astonishing, and you can discover new things every time. It is an everlasting source of joy for who knows where to look!
To enjoy this adventure, you don't need to be a bird expert. You don't even need to have any prior birding experience! All you should bring is your curiosity and the willingness to be charmed by the wonders of nature.
The guide will have a birding scope with him. This fantastic instrument is the best way to "bring birds closer", as its powerful zoom lets admire birds in great detail without disturbing them. The guide will point it to all birds of interest, and you'll also be free to move it around and explore on your own. Be prepared to see birds like you've never seen them before!
The classic tour is a 3-hour visit to a nature reserve in Helsinki, accessible by public transportation.
The experience can be customized to the client's interest and experience, with the possibility to plan longer tours or focus on photography.