Find your inner Finn, Helsinki Happiness Hacks

Privacy notice of the campaign

Privacy notice for applicants and visitors

“Find your inner Finn – Helsinki Happiness Hacks” is a 5 day session in Finland organised by Visit Finland, together with Helsinki Partners (hereinafter “Organizers”, “Controllers” or “we”).

Visit Finland is the Finnish travel promotion organisation, headquartered in Helsinki. It is part of Business Finland Oy, business ID 2725690-3, having its registered address at Porkkalankatu 1, 00180 Helsinki, Finland, and fully owned by the Finnish Government.  Helsinki Partners Oy, business ID 3209009-8, having its registered address at Kasarmikatu 36, 00130 Helsinki, Finland, is a marketing, investment and talent attraction company owned by the City of Helsinki.

Visit Finland and Helsinki Partners are joint controllers for processing of personal data under this Privacy Policy.  In all data protection matters, Helsinki Partners is represented by Visit Finland.  This Privacy Policy describes:

  • the ways we collect personal data about the applicants and visitors and why we do so,
  • how we use your personal data, and
  • the choices you have about your personal data.


Your contact point in all data protection matters is:

Name: Business Finland Oy/Visit Finland

Address: Porkkalankatu 1, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

Phone: Switchboard: +358 (0)29 50 55000


We collect following data of the applicants and visitors including their partners or co-applicants (together participants) of the Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign:

Data related to the admission process, such as:

  • Application data such as name, date of birth, age, gender, nationality, home country and home town, communication language, time-zone, contact information (email address, home address, cellphone number), information on potential co-applicant, applicant´s social media account, and a link to the application challenge video created by the applicant,
  • Profile information such as applicant´s profession, education, hobbies, language skills, other special skills, description of personal features, video material attached to the application, information from the portfolios, profiles and other services on the Internet referred to by the applicant or otherwise made public or available to us (via applicant´s settings in at the social media used in Helsinki Happiness Hacks -campaign (Instagram and Tiktok), content posted by applicants with their Instagram or TikTok handled in relation to the campaign, and any other information applicants have provided in the application, interviews and video presentations, tracking data about your performance and behavior in the campaign challenge,
  • Device Data, such as your device IP address, device name and ID; operating system, browser type and language, data we collect with cookies and similar technologies, general location data based on your IP address,
  • Admission process data, such as data about your signing up to the Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign including application process and participation in the session, information on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the campaign and session and giving consents to the processing of personal data and use of data and materials shared under campaigns hashtags and use of Documentation data, data about your progress in the admissions process, data about the evaluation and selection of visitors, data of your communication with the admissions support.

Data related to the participation in the session, such as:

  • data collected of the visitors in relation to the admission process
  • Identity documentation from the chosen visitors, e.g., a copy of passport
  • data of the travel and accommodation arrangements
  • copies of insurance certificates
  • information required by the Finnish tax regulation for example to be submitted to the Finnish Incomes Register
  • data necessary for the management of the Helsinki Happiness Hacks session, and participant relationship, e.g., arrangement of events during the visit, special diets and other requirements and wishes of the visitors
  • person to contact in emergency situations (name email address, home address, cellphone number)
  • communication related to the session between visitors, hosts, hackers, and Organizers

Documentation data of the Helsinki Happiness Hacks session

  • documentation of the visit on videos, voice recordings, photographs and written descriptions

We process the collected personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal basis:

3.1. Purpose of processing

Marketing of Finland’s travel image:

  • the launch and execution of the Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign
  • publishing and distributing information on the Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign,
  • fulfilling Organizers’ contractual and other promises and obligations

Data processed for the purpose

  • Data related to the admission process
  • Data related to the participation in the session
  • Documentation data

Legal basis for processing

  • Performance of Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign Contract
  • Participant´s consent for processing Device data, and data collected by cookies for marketing purposes, and consent for use of Documentation data
  • Controllers´ legitimate interest based on the participant relationship

3.2. Purpose of processing
Management of the application and admission process and applicant relationship: to contact you; to process applications, to inform you about the status of your application or to obtain additional information; to set up and conduct interviews and assessments and to select suitable applicants

Data processed for the purpose

  • Data related to the admission process

Legal basis for processing

  • Controllers´ legitimate interest based on the applicant relationship
  • Applicant´s consent for processing Device data, and cookie-based tracking data about applicant´s performance, and behavior in the campaign challenge

3.3. Purpose of processing
Manage the Helsinki Happiness Hacks session, travel and accommodation arrangements and visitor relations of the Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign.

Data processed for the purpose

  • Data related to the admission process
  • Data related to the participation in the session
  • Documentation data

Legal basis for processing

  • Performance of Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign Contract
  • Participant´s consent for processing Device data, and data collected by cookies for marketing purposes, and consent for use of Documentation data
  • Controllers´ legitimate interest based on the participant relationship

3.4. Purpose of processing
Development of Organizers’ services, particularly marketing campaigns.

Data processed for the purpose

  • All personal data is aggregated so that individual persons are not identifiable

Legal basis for processing

  • Controller’s legitimate interest based on the participant relationship

3.5. Purpose of processing
Keep the application and admission process and participation safe and fair and to fight fraud by analyzing and monitoring the process and taking action against fraudulent or misbehaving participants.

Data processed for the purpose

  • All collected data

Legal basis for processing

  • Controllers´legitimate interest based on the participant relationship

The personal data shall not be processed for automated decision-making.

The data is collected directly from the participants or from third parties, and other services on the Internet referred to by the participant or otherwise made public or available to us. Documentation data and data related to participation are collected from the session and events, hackers, and hosts.

Information may be disclosed to Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland within the framework as regulated by the Finnish Act on Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland and Business Finland Oy (1146/2017)

Data may be disclosed to Organizers´ co-operation partners, other companies and organizations to make the travel and accommodation arrangements and to arrange visits and events. It may be provided to public authorities to fulfill our legal obligations and in response to lawful requests.

Documentation data will be published on the Campaign websites, on, on Visit Finland’s social media channels such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok (“Visit Finland’s Marketing Channels”), on any national or international media organization channels, and on the marketing channels of Visit Finland’s partners outside Finland (together “Other Marketing Channels”).

Content posted by applicants who have filled out the application form with their Instagram or TikTok handle and who tag @ourfinland (IG) or (TikTok) and use the hashtag #HelsinkiHappinessHacks can be shared on the Helsinki Happiness Hacks site and Visit Finland’s social media channels.

Processing tasks may be outsourced to third party service providers. For example, online tools and video interviews, ICT services, marketing and communication, may be outsourced to external suppliers. Each supplier processes personal data only on behalf of Organizers to the extent necessary for the performance of its services subject to confidentiality obligations. The suppliers are bound by written agreements on the processing of personal data, including confidentiality and data security obligations.

Otherwise, personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without the participant’s consent unless required by law.

Personal data may be transferred for processing to a country outside of the EU/EEA. Unless the European Commission has approved the adequacy of the data protection in the processing country, we will ensure the appropriate data protection by entering into written agreements with subcontractors under the standard contractual terms approved by the European Commission. The standard terms and conditions can be found at:

We also use third party services to collect and analyze data about the users of Visit Finland´s website. These service providers may use cookies to collect information for their own use in accordance with their own terms and conditions and privacy policies. See our cookie policy here: Cookies policy | Visit Finland.

Any material to be retained on paper will be stored in locked facilities equipped with access control. The data controllers´ personnel have undertaken confidentiality obligations.

Only persons who need personal data for the performance of their work are entitled to use the personal data and are bound by confidentiality obligations. Personal data is saved in databases that are protected by firewalls and anti-virus malware software, and other technical means. The databases are located in locked and guarded premises, and the data can only be accessed by pre-defined and designated persons.

We retain participant data until the Helsinki Happiness Hacks and all related contractual and legal rights and obligations have been fulfilled.

Documentation data can be stored as long as it is used for Organizers´ marketing purposes in accordance with terms and conditions of the Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign.

The data collected by using cookies will be deleted in accordance with the retention periods specified in connection with the cookie consents. 

We assess the need for the retention of personal data on a regular basis and take reasonable measures to ensure that no incompatible, outdated or incorrect personal data is retained.

You may:

  • Request access to the Personal Data that we process about you;
  • Request that we correct or delete inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data about you;
  • Request restrictions, temporarily or permanently, on our processing of some or all Personal Data about you;
  • Request transfer of Personal Data to you or a third party in situations provided by law.
  • Object to our use of Personal Data about you where our use is based on or our legitimate interests.
  • You can always withdraw your consent.

You do not have to pay a fee for exercising your rights and we will aim to respond you within 30 days. Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before taking further action on your request, for security purposes

If you consider that our processing of your personal data infringes applicable law, You may lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority Data Protection Ombudsman in Finland.

In all questions concerning the processing of personal data and situations related to the exercise of the data subject’s rights, you should contact