
Pistohiekka Sauna

Von 15 €
Dauer 2 stunden

The sauna at Pistohiekka Resort is some of the greatest sauna experiences in Finland. For Finns, sauna is much more than just a way of getting physically clean. It is also about enjoying a few moments of silence and stillness. Many Finns believe that a sauna is a special place where spiritual aspects of life can be felt. The sauna at Pistohiekka Resort, with magical views to Lake Saimaa, is a perfect place to relax and feel the spirit of sauna. After an unhurried, soothing sauna experience it is a good time to enjoy the tasty, local food and drinks of our restaurant next to the saunas.

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Pistohiekka Resort

Pistohiekanraitti 33, 52200 Puumala
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