
Jump Fitness Festival 2024 Turku

Von 79 €

We have the pleasure to invite you to the SECOND International Kangoo Jumps Festival in Finland, where the main activity will be rebounding on Kangoo jumps shoes, in masterclasses held by International trainers coming from all over the world. The location is Ruissalon Telakka (Lindblom hall) Turku

Kangoo jumps shoes have been on the market since 1994, and in Finland they have been brought in 2016, in Turku. Since then, many Finns have started to use them for sports, running, and classes on music.

Why should you join us?

- you will have a lot of fun on exciting music, doing a training that creates passion and happy feelings

- you will benefit from discounts and special offers for Kangoo jumps shoes, spare parts, fitness clothes and wellbeing products.

- you will meet our Kangoo jumps community from other parts of the world.

This event is suitable also for BEGINNERS, and if you don't have your own pair of Kangoo jumps shoes, don't worry, you can rent one for the whole day.

The program is still subject to change, but be sure that exciting things will happen during the day, just BE THERE!

This year we have a 30 year anniversary, therefore we will continue after our Festival with a GLAMOUR AFTER PARTY where we will dance, mingle and get to know each other, while having fun. Plus more surprises to come!

HAVE FUN, GETTING FIT! This is our slogan and can be your adventure of this summer.

Wo in Finnland?
Passende Erfahrung in August

Jump Fit Oy ǀ Kangoo Club FitSuomi

Hevoskarintie 23, 20100 Turku
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